5 Tips To Gain Your Muscle Size Within 30 Days

Today I'm going to discuss about an interesting topic.
 #5 Pro tip to gain a huge muscle Mass.
This post is going to be very interesting because we all want to gain our muscular and we want to look hunk. So keep reading this article till the end.

#1. Calories
  First tip I'm going to tell you that if you  want to gain your mass you need to eat lots of calories. Calorie is source of our energy. So you need to have more energy to lift more weight. The more weight you lift more muscle you will get.
Now You might think what is calorie? How can I  get calorie? Calorie is what we eat in our daily life . Apple, brad, pizza, fast food whatever it is all are calorie. Before you eat anything ,consider good foods only .

Protein is key of muscle building. Protein is the main factor of our body growth and body recovery. So if you  consume enough protein before workout and after work out you will definitely going to gain your muscle mass. If you are an athlete you need to eat  1.5 gram protein based on your weight.
For an example
An 80 kg person should eat 80 × 1.5
= 128 gram.

#3. Eat After Work-Out
   It's very important what we eat after work out and that's what we call post workout meal.
During workout we force our body to break muscle. We lift heavy weight so our body  hormones and muscles breaks everyday. You will gain when those broken muscle recover immediately. So after work-out we need to be very serious about our nutrition. If we eat
Rich carbohydrates, multi vitamin fruits you will definitely successful on your goal.

#4. Water
Drink plenty of water. For building muscle mass, water is very important factor. Hygiene yourself everyday. When you feels like your lips are dry, know that you are not drinking plenty of water. Drinking water help to burn fats and produce hungerness in our body. You need to drink  at least 3 to 4 litter of water every day and 1 litter during workout.

#5. Rest
After work-out or before workout if you don't take enough rest than  no use of workout. The body requires rest for growth muscle and reproduce energy. At least 7 hours a day we need to sleep. Don't stay till late night try to sleep early and wake up early. Research proved that morning exercise are more effective than evening exercise. If you want to gain you mass first thing you need to do is sleep properly. Let take your all pain take away by resting your body.

So my beautiful people,
      Get Up, Eat, Drink and most importantly take rest and have some patients. I believe you will grab your dream soon.
 Thank you!
